Are You Hungry Or Just Cold?
•Weight loss

Winter is coming! And we always seem to eat more during the chillier seasons, but do we know why?
You’re Too Cold
Simply put, eating generates heat. When your body temperature drops, the easiest way to warm up is to eat! Just be cautious of what you’re putting into your body. Foods with high sugar and fat content can have the opposite effect. Although they provide a bit of warmth, the drop in blood sugar will leave you feeling even colder and hungrier. It’s a vicious cycle that will have you eating more calories than you bargained for!
Winter Blues
Winter means shorter days and less sunshine. Your body’s vitamin D and serotonin levels have been messed with and sometimes this can lead to Seasonal Affective Disorder. While your serotonin levels are on the lower side, you might find yourself reaching for carbs for a little pick-me-up.
We can’t bring back the sun, but we can recommend regular exercise when it’s cold! Exercising naturally lifts your serotonin and dopamine levels. So, shake off the chill and stay active, it’ll help to keep you emotionally balanced.
Avoiding Going Outside
Lounging around indoors is just about the most enticing option when it’s cold out, but that can lead to a lot of boredom-eating. This is one of the biggest weight loss derailers out there! We have some tips on how you can combat the dreaded boredom eating here.
Survival Instinct
Although humans have come a long way since the caveman days, we still maintain the instinct to survive! We react to the cold by getting cravings for high-calorie foods. It’s an ancient instinct to store energy for the cooler days to come. But don’t let the chilly weather mess with your progress!
Now you know your brain is playing tricks on you! You’re not actually getting hungrier, the colder temperatures are just taking a toll on you.